Saturday, January 24, 2015

Meeting Aesclepius

Along with the mediation exercises required by this class, I have also begun to do some of my own. The Meeting Aesclepius exercise was deeply moving and easy for me to follow, especially considering my house was the opposite of quiet. I easily pictured someone who embodied wisdom, love, kindness and compassion and found that I could continue listening and following the speaker's words without hesitation. I pictured my great-grandmother. She passed away almost 15 years ago, but she had such an influence on my life. I often have pictured her in my mind when I found myself in difficult situations. Particularly when I chose to have natural childbirth and needed to find relief from the pain. It was her that I imagined comforting me, and it was her that calmed my fear. So there was no real thought involved in who would take the role of wisdom, love, and kindness in my mind. When this exercise was finished, I felt an amazing sense of calm. Realizing that because her influence on me (even though I was only a child) was so great, I became her. It is an amazing thought that I could be like my favorite person, that I could ever embody the level of love, wisdom, and kindness that she always did. 

    We often look for others to help us reach our desired level of integral health. I believe that it is important to find someone well trained in the field to give us the best possible solutions for our own path to wellness. The saying "One cannot lead another where one has not gone himself" means that someone who is in a position of leadership must fully understand and personally use the methods that he suggests to those following him. In order to successfully assist others' health, one must develop their own. The healthcare professional has an obligation to clients to lead by example. Those who seek do offer this service to others must remain diligent on their own path to human flourishing as well. The same methods of meditation, loving-kindness, and calm-abiding mind should be used by professionals helping others seek the same level of spiritual and psychological growth. 

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