Tuesday, January 13, 2015

The Subtle Mind

This week we have focused on Dascher's Subtle Mind, and while I found it to be easier to achieve than last week's Loving Kindness exercise, I still was not extremely successful. I think this has much to do with my upcoming wedding closing in quickly and realizing that I am not finding time to allow for relaxation and meditation as much as I would like.

This is leading me to lose the positive connection that my spiritual wellness adds to my mental and physical wellness. I am finding that because I do not allow time for spiritual activities, that I am becoming more stressed. This, in turn, leads me to being more stressed because I am not allowing time for spiritual activities. It is a vicious cycle. I must make the time to fully commit to my spiritual well-being. I can no longer allow stress to take over and worry to grow roots.

I also spent the last week absolving a detrimental relationship that has been causing me heartache for a while. I allowed a person to drown me in her own negativity until I could no longer keep my head above water. This week's reading helped me realize how harmful holding onto that relationship was for me, so I simply let it go. I feel relief and sadness at the same time, but I now realize that I should not have allowed someone to affect how I viewed my own life. If I can give anyone advice, it is to love those who truly love you as well. Do not harbor guilt for dissolving friendships/relationships that cause you harm. You are an amazing person and require more than that.

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