Monday, January 19, 2015

Integral Assessment/Universal Loving-Kindness

This week's blog required me to complete two tasks: The universal loving-kindness meditation and the integral assessment. Both of these helped me immensely to help understand the direction that I need to take to become the person I want to be.

The universal loving-kindness meditation was moving and emotional. I guess this is directly effected by the unrest in my personal life, yet I maintained my focus on the suffering of others. This helped me realize how many others are burdened with much deeper suffering than I could imagine. To reach past my own selfish, petty issues and wish others freedom from their suffering was emotionally charging to say the least.

For the integral assessment I chose personal/family issues within the interpersonal quadrant. Focusing my energy into healing the specific relationship, I asked myself what growth and development could help in the healing process.

I took time to myself to meditate, putting all of my energy into how I felt about the situation as a whole. Then I began to write freely about what I could do to reach a more desirable outcome. Through the flowing words on paper, I realized that I allowed my emotions to overreact to the situation and my actions actually caused someone else emotional harm. I decided that a better way to attempt to resolve the situation would have been to openly discuss my feelings instead of drawing conclusions and making rash assumptions. This is the growth I seek to develop as a person and is needed to avoid these types of situations. If I completely understand my feelings and can communicate them clearly without hurting someone then I will have made a step into the direction that I would like to go as a person towards integral health.

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