Saturday, January 31, 2015

Practicing Mental and Spiritual Health

I feel that all of the exercises and meditations that we have completed in this class have been successful in some ways. The most common reason that an exercise was less helpful, usually, has more to do with my inability to let go of daily life. Because of this reason, I went back and tried those again. I found that both of our "Loving-Kindness" exercises to be greatly helpful in my own life. Not only do I look past my own suffering and onto the suffering of others, I learn to dissolve it as well. The simple act of wishing strangers well has been endlessly moving and positive for me. I also found that the "Subtle-Mind" exercise was able to give me insight into what my biggest opportunities for improvement actually were. In the last few weeks, I have implemented a daily exercise routine that I use in conjunction with these mental exercises. I have found that if I mentally allow myself to complete any of these while physically moving and pushing myself increasingly harder, I reach an amazing new realm of peace. I am sure that I will continue to use these exercises in my life, because that is exactly what integral health is about.

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